South Eastern Kenya University

Library Online Public Access Catalogue

The story and its writer :

Charters, Ann.

The story and its writer : an introduction to short fiction / [edited by] Ann Charters. - 8th ed. - Boston : Bedford/St. Martin's, c2011. - 1820 p. : ill.

Includes bibliographical references

Introduction: Story and its writer -- Stories: Civil peace / Chinua Achebe -- Silent snow / Conrad Aiken -- In a bamboo grove / Ryunosuke Akutagawa -- Lone Ranger and Tonto fistfight in heaven / Sherman Alexie -- Act of vengeance / Isabel Allende -- Hands / Sherwood Anderson -- Happy endings / Margaret Atwood -- Sonny's blues / James Baldwin -- Lesson / Toni Cade Bambara -- Black man and white woman in dark green boat / Russell Banks -- San Francisco / Lynda Barry -- Indian uprising / Donald Barthelme -- Snow / Ann Beattie -- From Fun Home: Old father, old artificer / Alison Bechdel -- The rememberer / Aimee Bender -- Occurrence at Owl Creek bridge / Ambrose Bierce -- Circular ruins / Jorge Luis Borges --This way for the gas, ladies and gentlemen / Tadeusz Borowski -- Greasy Lake / T. Coraghessan Boyle August 2026: There will come soft rains / Ray Bradbury -- Guest / Albert Camus -- Werewolf / Angela Carter -- Cathedral; A small, good thing ; What we talk about when we talk about love / Raymond Carver -- Paul's case / Willa Carter -- Water names / Lan Samantha Chang -- Swimmer / John Cheever -- Darling ; Lady with the little dog / Anton Chekhov -- Désiré́e's baby; Story of an hour / Kate Chopin -- Barbie-Q / Sandra Cisneros -- Celebrated jumping frog of Calaveras County / Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) -- Heart of darkness / Joseph Conrad -- Continuity of parks / Julio Cortazar -- Open boat / Stephen Crane -- Night women / Edwidge Danticat -- Television / Lydia Davis -- How to date a browngirl, blackgirl, whitegirl, or halfie / Junot Diaz -- Battle royal / Ralph Ellison -- Red convertible / Louise Erdrich-- Rose for Emily ; That evening sun / William Faulkner -- Babylon revisited / F. Scott Fitzgerald -- Very old man with enormous wings / Gabriel Garcia Marquez -- Look on the bright side / Dagoberto Gilb -- Yellow wallpaper / Charlotte Perkins Gilman -- Overcoat / Nikolai Gogol -- Homage / Nadine Gordimer -- Bride / Christine Granados -- Rappaccini's daughter ; Young Goodman Brown / Nathaniel Hawthorne -- Hills like white elephants / Ernest Hemingway -- Church cancels cow ; In the cemetery where Al Jolson's is buried / Amy Hempel -- Things you should know / A. M. Homes -- Gilded six-bits ; Sweat / Zora Neale Hurston -- Rip Van Winkle / Washington Irving -- Lottery / Shirley Jackson -- Real thing / Henry James -- Who's Irish? / Gish Jen -- White heron / Sarah Orne Jewett -- Saboteur / Ha Jin -- Dirty wedding / Denis Johnson -- Bad neighbors / Edward P. Jones -- Pugilist at rest / Thom Jones -- Araby; Dead / James Joyce -- Hunger Artist; Metamorphosis / Franz Kafka -- Not human beings / Etgar Keret -- Girl / Jamaica Kincaid -- Shoeless Joe Jackson comes to Iowa / W.P. Kinsella -- Interpreter of maladies / Jhumpa Lahiri -- Odour of chrysanthemums ; Rocking-horse winner / D.H. Lawrence -- Drover's wife / Henry Lawson -- Ones who walk away from Omelas / Ursula K. Le Guin -- Woman on a roof / Doris Lessing -- Build a fire / Jack London -- Fly ; Miss Brill / Katherine Mansfield -- Shiloh / Bobbie Ann Mason -- Necklace / Guy de Maupassant -- Bartleby, the scrivener / Herman Melville -- Invasion from outer space / Steven Millhauser -- Videos of the dead / Rick Moody -- How to become a writer / Lorrie Moore -- Nawabdin electrician / Daniyal Mueenuddin -- Management of grief / Bharati Mukherjee -- Dance of the happy shades / Alice Munro -- Toys of peace / Hector Hugh Munro (Saki) -- Ice man / Haruki Murakami -- Lady with the pet dog ; Where are you going, where you have been? / Joyce Carol Oates -- Things they carried / Tim O'Brien -- Everything that rises must converge; Good country people; Good man is hard to find / Flannery O'Connor -- Guests of the nation / Frank O'Connor -- I stand here ironing / Tillie Olsen -- Shawl / Cynthia Ozick-- Brownies / ZZ Packer -- Escort / Chuck Palahniuk -- Conversation with my father ; Mother / Grace Paley -- My life with the wave / Octavio Paz -- Stars / Jayne Anne Phillips -- Cask of Amontillado; Fall of the House of Usher ; Tell-tale heart / Edgar Allan Poe -- Jilting of Granny Weatherall / Katherine Anne Porter -- Gift of the Magi / William Sydney Porter (O. Henry) -- Job history / Annie Proulx -- Conversion of the Jews / Philip Roth -- From Palestine: Refugeeland / Joe Sacco -- From Persepolis : The veil / Marjane Satrapi -- Brad Carrigan, American / George Saunders -- Love so fleeting, love so fine / Carol Shields -- Yellow woman / Leslie Marmon Silko -- Homework / Helen Simpson -- Girl with bangs / Zadie Smith -- Way we live now / Susan Sontag -- Prisoner on the hell planet: a case history / Art Spiegelman -- Chrysanthemums / John Steinbeck -- Two kinds / Amy Tan -- Death of Ivan Ilych / Leo Tolstoy -- Blood-burning moon / Jean Toomer -- A & P / John Updike -- Dreams / Jane Urquhart -- Moths / Helena Maria Viramontes -- Harrison Bergeron / Kurt Vonnegut Jr. -- Everyday use / Alice Walker -- Good people / David Foster Wallace -- Seeing eye / Brad Watson -- Why I live at the P.O. ; Worn path / Eudora Welty -- Roman fever / Edith Wharton -- Newborn thrown in trash and dies ; stories / John Edgar Wideman -- Use of force / William Carlos Williams -- Powder ; Say yes / Tobias Wolff -- Kew Gardens / Virginia Woolf -- Man who was almost a man / Richard Wright -- Brown house / Hisaye Yamamoto. Commentaries: Image of Africa: Conrad's ''Heart of darkness'' / Chinua Achebe -- Superman and me / Sherman Alexie -- Whirlwind man steals yellow woman / Paula Gunn Allen -- Form, not plot, in the short story / Sherwood Anderson -- Reading blind / Margaret Atwood -- Writing "Poes" / Russell Banks -- Borges and I / Jorge Luis Borges -- Plotting against Chekhov: Joyce Carol Oates and "Lady with the dog" / Matthew C. Brennan -- Translating Kafka / Ann Charters -- Why I write short stories / John Cheever -- Technique in writing the short story / Anton Chekhov -- How I stumbled upon Maupassant / Kate Chopin -- Private history of the "Jumping Frog" story / Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) -- Sinking of the commodore / Stephen Crane -- Hunger artist / R. Crumb; David Zane Mairowitz --On the short, short story / Lydia Davis -- Influence of folklore on ''Battle royal'' / Ralph Ellison -- Biographical perspective on Joyce's "Dead" / Richard Ellmann -- Meaning of ''Rose for Emily'' / William Faulkner -- Why we like Chekhov / Richard Ford -- Mexico, the United States, and the multicultural future / Carlos Fuentes -- On Grace Paley and Donald Barthelme / Vivian Gornick -- Levels of meaning in Lawrence's "Rocking-horse winner" / Janice H. Harris -- How it feels to be colored me ; What white publishers won't print / Zora Neale Hurston -- Morning of June 28,1948 and ''Lottery'' / Shirley Jackson -- Genesis of "Real thing" / Henry James -- Kafka's view of "Metamorphosis" / Gustav Janouch -- Looking back on girlhood / Sarah Orne Jewett -- On ''Girl'' / Jamaica Kincaid -- Finding your voice / Anne Lamott -- Scapegoat in Omelas / Ursula K. Le Guin -- Letter to the editor on "To build a fire" / Jack London -- Review of Woolf's "Kew Gardens" / Katherine Mansfield -- On Tim O'Brien's ''Things they carried'' / Bobbie Ann Mason -- Writer's goal / Guy de Maupassant -- Blackness in Hawthorne's ''Young Goodman Brown'' / Herman Melville -- Deconstructive reading on Melville's "Bartleby, the scrivener" / J. Hillis Miller -- How I write short stories / Alice Munro -- On Ryunosuke Akutagawa / Haruki Murakami -- Gogol's genius in "Overcoat" ; Reading of Chekhov's "Lady with the little dog" / Vladimir Nabokov -- Peter Klaus the goatherd / J.C.C. Nachtigal -- Alpha company / Tim O'Brien -- Nearest thing to lyric poetry is the short story ; Style and form in Joyce's "Dead" / Frank O'Connor -- Conversation with Ann Charters / Grace Paley -- Lawrence's and Steinbeck's "Chrysanthemums" / Jay Parini -- Guided tours of time and death / Jayne Anne Phillips -- Inspiration? Head down the back road, and stop for the yard sales / Annie Proulx -- Past and the present: Joseph Conrad and the fiction of autobiography / Edward W. Said -- Language and literature from a Pueblo Indian perspective / Leslie Marmon Silko -- Writing as reading / Susan Sontag -- In the canon, for all the wrong reasons / Amy Tan -- Chekhov's intent in ''Darling'' / Leo Tolstoy -- Greatness of Conrad's "Heart of darkness" / Lionel Trilling -- Zora Neale Hurston: Cautionary tale and a partisan view / Alice Walker -- Some remarks on Kafka's funnieness from which probably not enough has been removed / David Foster Wallace -- Is Phoenix Jackson's grandson really dead? / Eudora Welty -- Reading fiction / Richard Wright -- Casebooks: Casebook one: James Baldwin's "Sonny blues:" Autobiographical notes / James Baldwin -- Words and music: narrative ambiguity in "Sonny's blues" / Keith E. Byerman -- "Sonny blues" saved my life / Kenneth A. McClane -- Casebook two: Raymond Carver: One writing; Creative writing 101; Bath / Raymond Carver -- Origin of ''Cathedral'' / Tom Jenks -- Reading of ''What we talk about when we talk about love'' / Arthur M. Saltzman -- Looking for Raymond Carver / A.O. Scott -- Casebook three: Charlotte Perkins Gilman's "Yellow wallpaper:" Why I wrote "Yellow wallpaper ; Undergoing the cure for nervous prostration / Charlotte Perkins Gilman -- Feminist reading of Gilman's "Yellow wallpaper" / Sandra M. Gilbert and Susan Gubar -- On "Yellow wallpaper" / Elaine Showalter -- Casebook four: Jhumpa Lahiri's "Interpreter of Maladies:" My two lives / Jhumpa Lahiri -- Jhumpa Lahiri / Sean Flynn -- Lahiri's "Interpreter of maladies" / Simon Lewis -- Casebook five: Flannery O'Connor: From letters, 1954-55 ; Writing short stories; Reasonable use of the unreasonable / Flannery O'Connor -- Parables of Flannery O'Connor / Joyce Carol Oates -- Rhetorical reading of O'Connor's ''Everything that rises must converge'' / Wayne C. Booth -- On ''Good country people'' / Dorothy Tuck McFarland -- Casebook six: Joyce Carol Oates's "Where are you going, where have you been?:" Stories that define me: making of a writer ; Smooth talk: short story into film / Joyce Carol Oates -- Pied Piper of Tucson: he cruised in a golden car, looking for the action / Don Moser -- Casebook seven: Edgar Allan Poe: Importance of the single effect in a prose tale / Edgar Allan Poe -- On "Fall of the House of Usher" and "Cask of Amontillado" / D.H. Lawrence -- New critical reading of "Fall of the House of Usher" / Cleanth Brooks and Robert Penn Warren -- Under the covers with fortunato and montresor / Jan Burke -- Fall of the House of Usher / Will Eisner -- Casebook eight: Graphic storytelling: What the little old ladies feel / Alison Bechdel -- From "Alternative comics: toward the habit of questioning" / Charles Hatfield -- Are comics serious literature / Michael Kupperman -- From understanding comics: Invisible art / Scott McCloud -- Reading "The Veil" by Marjane Satrapi / Sydney Plum -- Some reflections on Palestine / Joe Sacco / Homage to Joe Sacco / Edward W. Said. Appendices: Reading short stories (Includes Grace Paley, ''Samuel'') -- Elements of fiction -- Brief history of the short story -- Writing about short stories -- Literary theory and critical perspectives -- Glossary of literary terms -- Chronological listing of authors' stories -- Chronological listing of authors and stories -- Index of authors and titles.


Short stories.
Short story.

PN 6120.2 / .C5 2011
Kitui, Kenya.