South Eastern Kenya University

Library Online Public Access Catalogue

Adoption /

Biscontini, Tracey

Adoption / Tracey Biscontini, book editor. - Farmington Hills, MI : Greenhaven Press, c2009. - 176 p. ; - Issues on trial . - Issues on trial. .

Includes bibliographical references (p. 168-171) and index.

Protecting the parental rights of unmarried fathers -- Defining the rights of fathers of illegitimate children in adoption cases -- Putative fathers must register to protect their right to contest adoptions -- Denying same-sex couples the right to adopt.

A compilation of opposing viewpoints on the issue of adoption.

9780737743425 (hbk.) 0737743425 (hbk.)


Adoption--United States.

KF 545 / .B5
Kitui, Kenya.